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Supreme Court uphelds Sohail Arabi’s death sentence

Death sentence for Sohail Arabi, Facebook activist, who allegedly insulted the Prophet and Imams, was upheld by the Supreme Court and his case was sent to the Executive Office.
. Mohabat News  - According to the report of Human Rights Activists , Branch
41 of the Supreme Court upheld Soheil Arabi's death sentence for alleged insults the Prophet and Imams and referred his case to the county Execution Office, Branch 76 of the Penal.
Sohail Arabi, according to his job as a photographer, had asked cyberspace and social networks activists, including Facebook, to write articles criticizing the government and sometimes with a humorous approach and he had publicized them. This prisoner of conscience is one of the victims of Revolutionary Guard Intelligence Service's project to deal with active citizens in Facebook during last year.
Sohail Arabi and his attorney objected the alleged insults the Prophet, and have repeatedly denied the charge. They also refer to Article 263 of the Penal Code about the charge of insulting the Prophet which says: "If the accused to insult, claims that his statements was on reluctantly, neglect, omission or drunk or anger or retrospectively language or no attention to the meaning of Quote of the words of the others, then it is not considered as insulting Prophet."
He is currently being held in ward 350 of Evin prison.